Olaudah Equiano

Words: 661
Pages: 3

Olaudah Equiano: The Brutal “Middle Passage”

The story of Olaudah was one the amazing and touchable story for being a slavery, in childhood especially for the young children’s. I think that Olaudah Equiano parents were from Igboland, and he was born in South Caroline. I personally believed that Olaudah was a name given by his parents which, is Igbo name because I am from Igbo land in Nigeria. There is an Igbo proverb says that “Obara ndi Igbo anayi ato na Mba” that means that Igbo blood will not lavishing or perishing in another country. I think that, the name Equiano was denote from his master the English sea captain. Bing kidnapped at the age of eleven was a difficult ordeal and traumatic memories to Olaudah. Based on the passage I find out that he was in strategic episode in slavery. I see from the book he was published called “ Memoir” there were a lot of slaves sold that time, that have many families due to selling them from one master to another. I would say that he was into war since his childhood and conquered his enemies. The tragedy day for him was the day he and the sister were kidnapped from the two men and one women. I fell so depressed about his situation because, he still a child. Despite that, he did not have or witness the childhood experience with other children. For example, no schooling, no
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For Example, after the word war I read about the soldiers who witness the horrific event in war front, how they suffered the post traumatic disorder. Whenever they heard the sound of a gun, it will triggered them, some are shouting and going crazy. “A good quote here is that prevention is better than care”. In addition being into a slavery and finally became a life again worth a living. Based on the article some of the slaves cannot withstand the punishment and hard work, they jumped into the sea and