Opinion: According to Jim and Shoes Essays

Submitted By alexisz103219
Words: 459
Pages: 2

Standing in Line for Shoes (Opinion) Today in our society, people stand in line for a pair of shoes just so they can say they have them. Not knowing how much danger they are putting themselves in, they still do it. It is not only the Jordan’s they stand in line for, but other shoes as well. There have been many things that have happened to those who stand in line for a pair of shoes, things that are not able to be taken back if times were changed. An anonymous source stated, “You are putting yourself in jeopardy when you stand in line for a pair of shoes. It’s not even worth it.” When you go onto Google, and search, ‘Standing in line for a pair of shoes,’ most news websites states the things that have happened to those who stand in line for the shoes, such as being fought, shot, and sometimes even death. Janell Howard, a seniorstates, “In my opinion, it isn’t worth standing in a line for a pair of shoes because you can easily order them off websites online, or wait until they are released again within 5 years.” According to ABC, the most popular shoe that people stand in line for are Jordan’s and other kinds of Nike shoes. You rarely see a line for any other type of shoe. “I have never stood in line for a pair of shoes that are only going to last me a couple of years, and I never plan on it. I feel that it is really not safe the way people are today, wanting to kill people for little things,” stated Howard. According to ABC News, Houstonians stand in line so they can be the first ones to have a pair of the shoes. “It’s not about being the first to have