Oral History: The Plessy Vs. Ferguson Case

Words: 1673
Pages: 7

DEFINE the following terms. A minimum one sentence definition in your own words. Do not “copy pasterino”.
Reconstruction is the rebuilding of the Southern states after the end of the Civil War.
Black Codes were racist laws created by Southern states to take away the rights guaranteed in the Constitution from the American blacks.
Jim Crow or Jim Crow laws were the laws that were passed to keep American blacks separated from the whites.
Lynching is the practice of illegally killing someone, typically from a mob.
The KKK, the Ku Klux Klan, is a domestic terrorist group that is made up of racist, white people.
Plessy v. Ferguson is a Supreme Court case in 1896 that answered the question is it legal to separate the races on railway cars with “separate but equal.”
Oral History is the compilation of events given through interviewing or speaking with people who lived through it.
ORAL HISTORY. During class I make the argument that the general American student does not know the history of their elder family members even when often times the most valuable way to learn about history is through those who have experienced it. Keeping in mind that argument answer the following questions.
Evaluate. I think my parent’s perspective of historical event definitely affects and shapes me. They grew up a certain way. In that time before I was born major
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The Plessy v. Ferguson case went through the Supreme Court in 1896. With his “one drop” of black blood, Homer Plessy believed that separating the races in railway cars was illegal. He sued the Ferguson railway company and, in a sense, the racist government. The court ruled that the races were to be “separate but equal.” It gave white Americans “permission” to treat blacks as lower class citizens. One popular opposition was Justice Harlan. He disagreed with the ruling saying that we have a “colorblind constitution.” Harlan’s opinion gave hope to black Americans and even had an influence on the Brown v. Board of Education