Parvana Quotes

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Pages: 3

Parvana Essay

Parvana, a novel by Deborah Ellis, shows us of a young Afghanistan girl struggling to save her family and friends under very constricted Taliban rules. Parvana throughout the novel breaks the Taliban rules and laws therefore it is illegal what she is doing. Parvana has now to impersonate as a boy at all times she has to dress like a boy, act as boy so she can gain a job to provide for her family. Parvana has to make sure that at all times she is always acting, talking and being boy, this way she will be free to walk around the market place without being caught out as a girl. Parvana is only an 11 year old girl and is fighting for her father, family, and friends.

Within the novel Parvana, her and her family have a series
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She is mourning the capture of her husband by the Taliban. Lucky for that day Parvana bumped into her old teacher Mrs Weera. Mother and Mrs Weera were great friends and hadn’t seen each other for a long time Mrs Weera and Mother created a secret group of men and woman to create a magazine that was to be sent out to women of the world.

Parvanas farther had the hardest change as he got taken away from his loving family and couldn’t see them for the longest period of time. He had changes from what he did in his everyday life . He really missed going out with Parvana into to the market place. I’m sure that he would have been proud of Parvana and her braveness.

Even though Parvana wanted to be a normal kid she understood that she has to do her best for her family at that time. Even though she was breaking the rules and her life was on the line, deep down she knew she was doing a good thing.

Therefore in this novel Parvana and her family go through heartbreaking, sad, touching and tough changes. But times change and looking back now at all these changes brought them to a happy place with some good memories along the way. Breaking rules for the right reasons and as they say family always comes first.
Reading this novel really made me feel so happy that I live in such a great country Australia a place I like to call