Permanent Hair Removal Procedure

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Pages: 2

You have decided to get laser hair removal. It is the permanent way of getting rid of that unwanted hair. But, how long it the treatment going to take? That is one of the frequently asked questions that hair removal professionals hear. The answer is "It depends."

How long does a typical hair removal session last?

This process works by killing the hair follicle with a concentrated pulse of laser light. The pigments in the hair absorb the light, which does extensive damage to the hair follicle. If the hair is in the growth stage, this can do permanent damage to the follicle, rendering it useless. Over time, the follicle will die and the hair will fall out. It leaves the surrounding skin undamaged, though some clients do get a bit of temporary discoloration.

The pulse of laser light only lasts for a
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There is some pain involved with laser hair removal, though most only report it as the sting you receive if you snap a rubber band against the skin. Some people have no problems with the pain, while others cannot take very much. The length of the hair removal session can depend on how much pain the client can tolerate. With someone who has a low pain threshold, the process may take longer or may have to be done in several shorter sessions.

How many sessions will be required to achieve permanent hair removal?

Hair is constantly growing and regrowing. For laser treatment to work, the hair has to be in the active stage of growth for laser treatment to work. Because each hair follicle is in a different cycle, multiple treatments are needed to catch all the hair in the right stage.

Most clients require between three and seven sessions to achieve optimal results. Many times, the first session is the most intense, with the later sessions being quicker and less painful.

If you are interested in permanent hair removal with laser treatments, contact Proffer Surgical Associates in Amarillo