Personal Narrative: A Career As A School Director

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Pages: 4

There will be tons of problems for you to fix when you are a school principal, especially is middle school director, when the kids are in transition. You will have to concern about thousand things of your students, bully, stress, boycott, abuse,... and you will be the one who has to make sure that they don't do any negative things to themselves and other while they are in the turbulent teen. Believe me or not, if someone asks me what position need the most patient in school, it will be the school director. Even though it's tired to become a principal, but I still really love my job, or you can understand, I love my students. I love to see those smiles on their faces, how theirs grow up through every day, how they spread out the kindness,... they always make me feel proud when looking at. …show more content…
To be honest, I had met or worked with a lot of abnormal kids, which is a part of my job but August made I felt a little bit different. That is, he is extraordinary, but actually, he is more normal than what people usually thought, trust me, my intuition as a long time principal told me that. Without a doubt, August is a smart boy with his wonderful imagination and creative idea. There is a fact that I had really expected to meet that terrific boy since I read his information. A few weeks before the school start, his mom called me and said that August had been ready to take the school tour. Immediately, I thought about finding some kids in his homeroom to help August feel more comfortable, and Julian Albans, Charlotte Cody and Jack Will were three names suddenly appeared in my head. I was standing at the entrance when August and mom arrived. I shook Isabel hand first and then I looked at little August, put my hand out for him to shake. "Hi, August. It's a pleasure to meet you." My first impression of him is he is a shy