Personal Narrative: I Want To Go To College

Words: 496
Pages: 2

“Mommy, Mommy, can you buy me that candy bar?’ “Of course I can Xeng.” “Daddy, can you give me ten dollars for a field trip?” “Sure, let me look for my wallet.” “Mom, I need fifty dollars to go buy new clothing for an upcoming interview.” “Sorry Xeng, I only have thirty dollars right now. When do you need the new clothing by?” “Hey Dad, all my friends have smartphones, I was wondering if maybe you and mom could buy me one for Christmas” “S- sorry Xeng, we can’t afford a smartphone right now.” “Mom, Dad, I want to go to college.” “…”
College, what exactly is college? Some would say it’s the gateway to opportunities and the sinkhole to endless debt. My parents often told me that, especially my mom. But because of the circumstances, I cannot blame them for saying such discouraging words. Having been born in Thai Land and Laos, my parents were survivors of the secret war. They never imagined that one day they would leave the crowed community of the refugee camps to go live in America. But when they got the opportunity
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Me being the only one who wants to become an engineer in my family, I sometimes feel like I have no one to turn to for academic and financial help. My older siblings are just beginning their adult lives and can’t offer me any help academically and financially. My parents who’ve never received any form of proper education, definitely cannot help me academically and with five other children to worry about, I know they can’t support me financially any longer. I have to find a way to help myself.
Myself, it sounds like all I care about is myself, but that is simply not true. The reason why I want to become an engineer is so that one day I can help solve the worlds problem while making enough money to get my family out of poverty. And when I can financially support my family, I want to create a program for individuals who struggle financially so that they too can get their family out of this endless cycle known as