Personal Narrative: It's Time To Win The Revolutionary War

Words: 469
Pages: 2

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were at Valley Forge in the middle of the revolutionary war? Picture this, you are in a hut filled with smoke. Outside there is over 2 ft of snow. You can’t breathe because of the smoke. You are almost dead. Then you hear something, you think it's outside, but it's in your head. Your head is telling you to stay. Stay and fight for freedom. Stay and don't be a summer soldier. Stay because you are needed.
In this war people are dying, people, are sick, people are dead. I can stay, I can fight. I will stay, I am needed. It could just take me, take one person. If I stay we could win this war. If we win this war our country will be free. Dr. Waldo’s diary states, “I am sick- discontented- and