Personal Narrative: My Life In Chicago

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Pages: 4

The leaves crinkled under my foot as I stepped out of my dad's minivan. The sliding door closed with a screech as I pulled hard. I looked up at the old dirty house that I was about to spend next four years of my life in. The wood was rotted, there were about five windows scattered in the oddest places. It looks as though it's been unoccupied for years, the roof was falling apart and leaves filled the ground to the point I wasn’t sure if there was grass underneath them or not. The house was surrounded by trees, but I knew that not far beside it were three more houses one looked even older than this one but the others, brand new.

My older brother Bode hopped out soon after I did, he stared at the house for a minute but then continued to the
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We used to live in the big city of Chicago, that was of course until my brother got expelled, but we can talk about that another time. I lived a good life in Chicago I was had made the cheerleading team. Since my big brother was the quarterback and Raven's star athlete, I was quite popular. I also managed to keep okay grades, alright so that last part was a lie my grades were terrible. I soon came to realize at the beginning of freshman year that school work really was not my thing, nor was it my brothers. But now my life was changing, I switched towns, I switched schools all because of my brothers “accident” as my father likes to call it, but there was nothing “accidental” about what he did. Now I'm living in the small town of Wellington Maine, going to a school where I will be the new girl, with no friends, and a troubled …show more content…
I could not explain if I tried, what was going through my head on that walk. Thoughts that I don't understand, thoughts I don't think I ever will. That was until they stopped until I stopped, I ran into something, a person. I stumbled a little as I looked up at him. He looked a little familiar, I just could not figure out how or why I knew him, but I did. He gave me this look, this look, like my thoughts, I couldn't explain it. Did he know me? I wasn't going to ask, but I felt like he did. Before I could say anything, however, he was gone, I turned around and he was jogging behind me. I was already having a terrible day, he was not making it any