Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech

Words: 629
Pages: 3

"""Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."" This in the very first amendment that our government has set in place to govern the people of America fairly, with natural born rights as human beings. However, in times today this amendment has been the top issue, being questioned on whether there is a thing as “too much freedom of speech.” With our presidency today and social media on the rise, bullying and very controversial topics and opinions are at our very fingertips within a matter of a few clicks. So, the question we must ask ourselves now is, do we really have the freedom to speak our minds? …show more content…
However, with that comes a few problems. Cyber bullying is a big issue facing teens and young adults today. With us being a free country, and having little to no censorship, it allows people to say and do what they want on the internet with little or no consequences. Over eighty percent of teens use a cell phone daily and that number is only going up, but with that about half of the people using their cell phone have experienced some form of cyberbullying and about ten to twenty percent experience it regularly. This is a big issue because not only is it spiking the teen suicide rates it’s not addressing any of the pre-existing problems such as racism or