Persuasive Essay On What They Eat Research Paper

Words: 439
Pages: 2

Previously there has been a increase in obesity, diabetes , and other serious health conditions by eating a large amount of food in a short period of time. Some people say that the government is responisble for this, and others say that the individuals should be more responsible on what they eat. Is it really the goverments fault that people dont have the self control on how much unhealty food they eat?

According to today the average American restuant meal portion size is four timea as large in the 1950's and 96% of entrees at chain resturants go past dietary guidelines for fat, salt, and saturated fat with some almost going over daily intakes in one meal. People say that the government should make the resturants make smaller portions in the meals, but if you make the portions smaller, wouldnt the customer by even more food? Maybe the resturants should keep the same size portions, but they should use less salt and/or oil, maybe subsitute those ingredents with something a little bit healthier
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My little brother Elijah is AAU basketball,and he plays football also, so when ever he has football he has basketball, and vice versa. My other little brother Isaiah has gymnastics ever Monday, Wednesday, And Friday. I have volleyball and boxing everday, so right after i have volleyball practice i have boxing till 9 at night. And my older brother Tyshawn is in Seattle taking care of his baby Jacoby, and his girlfriend Keisha, so he cant help my mom when my dads at work or taking my brother Elijah and I to practice. My mom tris so hard to make dinner for us when she has time, so a couple times a week we have Subway or Arby's because its the only fastfood my mom eats. The govenment could make the grocery stores lower their prices for fruits and