Persuasive Essay: Why Should We Vote To Vote?

Words: 488
Pages: 2

This election has been a very big deal. A lot has happened there has been ups and downs through the whole election just many things have happened and come up. Many people are indecisive of who to vote for and I do not blame them. Even for me it has been difficult because depending on who gets president is depending on what our future will look like. I have opinions on why people should and should not vote for both. We should all really pick the very best candidates for this election someone who will make improvements for this country. Abortion, I think abortion is not okay. There are many parents that would love to have kids but can not. There are people who have kids and do not want them. Instead of abortion there should be a better way …show more content…
This could cause a lot of bad things to happen. How will we protect ourselves with no guns? I believe everyone should have a gun to protect themselves. Our army and all our country needs guns to defends us from evil people so we can fight back. Yes, I believe we should background check everyone before purchasing a gun so everyone could be save. One thing that one of the candidates want is to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. I am not okay with that because that is not really right in my opinion. The candidates also says all illegal immigrant are rapist, drug dealers, and criminals. This is not true at all I am sure many of those people or some of those people have a very big heart. The candidate can not judge people just by some actions others did. We live in a country with freedom and where everyone should be equal. This country was founded by immigrants. This is why I personally would not vote for this one candidate. I personally do not go for either of the candidates. They each have their flaws and who knows maybe one of them is a better candidate. In my opinion I would not vote for neither of them. They both have things I am not okay with. But I am leaning more on Hillary there are just some issues of hers that I am not okay with. The candidate that I was going for did not win the election but I hope Trump makes good decisions for our