Phillis Wheatley Research Paper

Words: 483
Pages: 2

Have you ever heard of the name Phillis Wheatley? Phillis Wheatley is an African-American that had some ups and downs in her life. Phillis Wheatley was born in 1753, in Senegal/Gambia, which is in West Africa. In 1761, Phillis was kidnapped at the age of 8 and was sent on a slave ship, by the man named John Wheatley. Phillis was sent to Boston, Massachusetts. When they got there John purchased her to be a self servant to Susanna, who is John’s wife. Phillis has a sister named Lucretia The Wheatley's taught Phillis Greek and Latin and she soon became an excellent writing poet. Her sister named Lucretia helped her too. Sometimes though Phillis felt very nervous and scared to read, write, and even learn because of how African-Americans were usually treated back then. African-Americans couldn’t use the same bathrooms, be in the same room, and even different schools.

Next, In 1761, at the age of 13 Phillis published her first poem, She was the first
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When she got back to Boston, Wheatley's life, was like everything had just faded or collapsed. When she found out that there were a lot of deaths from the Wheatley family she was so shocked, but even more shocked that Susan and John died. In 1778, Wheatley married a guy from Boston named John Peters who was an African-American. When they got married Their marriage was awful, with them fighting against poorness. Eventually, Wheatley got separated with him for a while. Later, Phillis was required to live in in a dirty boarding school that needed a lot of work, but at the same time she had to find a job to be a maid. When the Revolutionary war came it was hard for to keep up with working on her poems so she slacked a bit. In her late 30s, she had died on December 5, 1784, in Boston, Massachusetts