Planning Your Future Essay

Words: 895
Pages: 4

PLANNING MY FUTURE 2 Planning my future is vital to me; it is like designing a solid foundation for me and for my family. During these irregular times in our economy credentials play a vital part on the amount of opportunities that I have access to. In this essay I will talk about what steps I will take and what challenges, accomplishments, and experiences I plan on taking on while implementing this plan in my everyday life. Here we go, why did I want to attend college? I am …show more content…
I think about this question all of the time. What will I do to make myself successful? I know complete dedication can get me through anything. Putting things aside that could take me off course as well as just getting up everyday telling myself that it needs to be done, that this will decide your future, and just plain simple self discipline. My biggest challenges are going to be this deployment and not being able to know what the day may hold, and not feeling
PLANNING MY FUTURE 4 overwhelmed with the work due to my schedule. Going from hostile environments to coming back in and doing all of the assignments will be obstacles for me. Keeping my motivation up and taking it a day at a time, talking to friends that take classes, and getting the support I need from my wife back home is all I will need to maintain focus and to overcome these challenges that are standing in my way. I am going to efficiently manage my time making sure that I do not get too deep into my studies to overwhelm myself, I plan on allotting myself certain times of the day to do school work and times to relax. I know this will help finish these assignments and perform to