Political Parties In The 1790s

Words: 357
Pages: 2

Political parties arose around the 1790's and became a big controversy within the government. To start off, you had Federalist. Federalist were people known to be for the Wealthy and wanted a strong Federal government. On the other hand, you have your Republicans) (also known as Democratic-Republicans) they were for the people and wanted a strong state government. While continuing of starting a new nation, America had problems of their own. "The French regarded Jay’s Treaty, as an American attempt to help the British in their war with France" (Chapter 5-3). The French now were angry with America and started to seize American ships. Of course, the Federalist and Republicans had different opinions on the topic of what to do with the French. Federalist were angry and wanted to go to war with France but Republicans had a different …show more content…
They wanted to have a very loose interpretation. Continuously, the Federalist and Republicans had very different opinions on the way they should be run. To name a few, are allies, banks, and trade. A big issue that the government had to deal with regarding Federal and Republicans is the rights of the states. States' rights were basically to be able to protect citizens from the misuse of federal power. Republicans wanted to limit the Federal government's power but Federalist had a different idea on it. Federalist argued and said this "if any state could nullify any federal law it considered unconstitutional, the power of the federal government would cease" (Chapter 5-3). Even though, the Federalist and Republicans had immensely different opinions on the government they both wanted the same thing, a strong nation. The way they set up for meetings was similar as well. They held caucuses were they would decide who their candidate for office would be. To conclude, Federal and Republicans were very different in views and opinions but both wanted to a strong