Positive Rights Vs Personal Liberties

Words: 832
Pages: 4

In political philosophy, there are two different arguments about personal liberties and positive rights. Some believe personal liberties have precedence over positive rights and some believe positive rights have precedence over personal liberties. Libertarians normally defend personal liberties while others are supporters of positive rights. I see positive rights as an idea of what is best for the people over all. Personal liberties is based on each person having their own personal choice. People who support positive rights understand human rights and believe in what society should do for individuals. They believe social welfare and security should be given to those who need it. Everyone should contribute toward the country in order to have these positive rights. I have seen a problem with peoples views on positive rights over the course of the last few years. When Obama came into office, he made it very easy for people to receive welfare without having to work. All they had to do was to prove they weren't making enough money to support them and their family and they were presented a welfare check every month. There are so many veterans who have lost their jobs due to PTSD or any other mental illnesses who deserve to receive welfare and security. There are a lot of men and women who are on welfare that really deserve the money, but it is the ones …show more content…
There are people who deserve social welfare and security. Those who want to go to school to make a decent living, but cant afford it. Those who grew up in a bad area and are just trying to make it out. There are some people who should have personal liberties. The people who work really hard and need every last penny to pay bills because they make too much to receive welfare. But there are also people who abuse both sides of the conversation which causes people to have different views on both