Priority Nursing Intervention Paper

Words: 1563
Pages: 7

What are the priority Nursing Interventions at this time? The priority nursing interventions revolve around comprehensive care aimed at managing Janet's JIA effectively. First and foremost, the nursing team will focus on pain management by administering the prescribed pain relief medications and consistently monitoring their effectiveness. Regular assessment and reassessment of Janet's pain levels will be done to evaluate the pain management plan and ensure it is to her needs. Concurrently, efforts will be directed towards maintaining Janet's mobility, providing support and assistance to ensure she can move and engage in activities comfortably. The administration of disease-modifying medications is also a pivotal intervention to not only provide …show more content…
The nursing team will focus on addressing impaired physical mobility linked to joint pain and stiffness. Through interventions, the aim is to enhance joint mobility and improve range of motion, ensuring Janet's ability to engage in daily activities comfortably. Additionally, acute pain related to inflammation and joint involvement will be addressed promptly, implementing a comprehensive pain management plan to alleviate discomfort and enhance Janet's overall well-being. Recognizing the potential for social isolation due to limitations in activities and potential lack of understanding from peers, the nursing team will implement strategies to foster social engagement, ensuring Janet's active participation in school and extracurricular activities. Simultaneously, addressing the deficient knowledge related to juvenile idiopathic arthritis and its management, involving educational initiatives to enhance understanding and promote informed decision-making. To reduce the risk of impaired skin integrity linked to decreased mobility and altered activity patterns, preventive measures and skin assessments will be implemented. Lastly, the emotional challenges of living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis will be addressed through interventions targeting risk for impaired coping, including emotional support, counseling, and collaboration with specialists as …show more content…
Improved Physical Mobility and Range of Motion Janet will demonstrate increased joint mobility and improved range of motion through regular exercise and physical therapy, as evidenced by her ability to perform prescribed exercises and an observable increase in joint flexibility during assessments (Kuntze et al., 2018). Improved Pain Management and Relief Janet will report a reduction in joint pain (rated 3 on a 1-10 scale) and demonstrate effective coping mechanisms for pain, as evidenced by self-reports of decreased pain intensity and observed use of pain management strategies. Adherence to the prescribed treatment plan and medications will be documented through medical records and patient self-reports. Social Engagement Janet will actively participate in school, extracurricular activities, and maintain social relationships without feeling isolated, as evidenced by consistent attendance, participation in social events, and reports of positive social interactions from both Janet and relevant individuals in her social circle. Knowledge Enhancement Janet and her family will demonstrate an understanding of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, its management, and the importance of compliance with medication and treatment plans, as evidenced by accurate verbalization of the condition, its treatment plan, and successful implementation of prescribed strategies during educational sessions and follow-up discussions.