Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

Words: 438
Pages: 2

Net neutrality is necessary because it provides users equality. Basically, net neutrality restricts Internet Service Providers from blocking, slowing down, or discriminating access to certain content and websites their users access on the internet. For example, without net neutrality, a large ISP could slow down or degrade the quality of an outside application like Netflix since it would be a direct competitor of a product or service they may offer. Without net neutrality, it would allow ISP’s to give priority to TV networks it owns and slow down the signals from its competitors. This would allow big telecom companies to further monopolize the market. In return, users would be left with less choices, larger data fees for use of apps outside …show more content…
In my opinion, net neutrality supports the best interest of consumers. Net neutrality seems to have advantages and disadvantages for big and small internet service providers. Smaller ISP’s compared to large ISP companies like Comcast, ATT, and Verizon have concerns with net neutrality Title II regulations due to the cost that can be associated with meeting compliance. Internet Service Providers are required to disclose particular information anywhere from network statistics to network performance, and data caps to the Federal Communications Commission. These reporting requirements have become an issue for start-up and smaller ISP’s due to the costs associated with them. Costs have been estimated at around $40,000 per year. While this number seems minute, it is not for mom and pop ISP’s trying to make their mark. However, the small ISP’s do not seem to have a problem with compliance in regards to no throttling, blocking, and paid prioritization rules. Moreover, without net neutrality, innovation for smaller companies may not at all be