Protestant Reformation Research Paper

Words: 896
Pages: 4

The Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation were significant events in European history, reshaping the religious, political, and cultural landscape of the continent. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII, and Charles V are among the most influential and significant historical figures of this era. They played crucial roles in shaping the course of events during this period. Martin Luther, a German monk and professor of theology, played a key role in the Protestant Reformation that swept through Europe. Originally a member of the Augustinian Order, Luther went through a crisis of faith when he didn't feel saved by God. He concluded that only faith could save sinners and embarked on a personal quest for salvation. In 1517, Luther wrote 95 theses that criticized the Catholic Church's …show more content…
Henry VIII was the King of England from 1509 to 1547. Initially, he defended the Catholic Church against Luther's criticisms, which earned him the title "Defender of the Faith" from Pope Leo X. He actively censored Protestantism and executed its leaders, which gave him a respectable reputation. King Henry VIII was eager to have a son as his heir, but he could not end his marriage with Catherine of Aragon. This pushed him to separate from the Pope and establish the Church of England in 1534. Henry's actions not only reshaped the religious landscape of England but also had significant political implications. The dissolution of monasteries and the confiscation of their lands strengthened the monarchy's power and wealth, while the Act of Supremacy declared the English monarch as the supreme head of the Church of England. This act of defiance against papal authority had far-reaching consequences, severing England's ties with the Catholic Church and paving the way for the English Reformation. Charles V, who was the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, was the most powerful opponent of the Protestant Reformation. He was a devout Catholic who aimed to