Pumpkin Pie Research Paper

Words: 510
Pages: 3

Although many people have a dissenting over which is better pumpkin pie or peach pie, but I don’t think these are lionized. These two pies also aren’t bizarre in any way other than their taste. If I had to choose, I would choose a pumpkin pie. We eat pumpkin pie about every Thanksgiving and we pass the pie around. Making very meticulous cuts so that is the perfect piece. Now I’m going to take you back to when pumpkin pie saved the U.S.A. . One day while the United States Government was in complete anarchy, the president was a little hungry and stressed, so he went to a pie place. He did not know what to order, so he went to a booth and sat down. He sat and thought hard for a long time and ordered pumpkin pie. While he was eating, he could not believe how delicious it was. …show more content…
When he finished, he thought to himself “I must have another one,” so he asked the waiter for one more slice, but when he got it, he looked at it for a while and said “this could save the U.S.A.” . He finished the piece in about two seconds, basically downing it. He grabbed his hat and coat and ran out the door to the white house. When he got there he ran to his office and told a few people to go in there so he could tell them his idea. The people he brought in his office were Lebron James, Odell Beckham Jr., Steven Stiffler, and Sharmarian Richards. When he provided them the idea they looked kind of puzzled, but then they started to love it and said it was a great idea. The idea that he told them is that they should have a National Pie Day every year that gave away a whole pie to each and every family in the United