Harench Revolution Research Paper

Submitted By APstudentsrule
Words: 1718
Pages: 7

Hilda Coleman
English II Honors
Mrs. Jaeger
April 2013

The Haiti and Glorious Revolutions

The glorious Revolution and the Haitian revolution brought permanent influential changes to the lives of the many people who endured it. Both revolutions led a fragile battle that impacted the world with their determination for ultimate change. The reason these two battles came forth was to give the people of today the future of political and human rights. Although, many fought a violent war, the outcome is mainly what the generations of today are awakened to. The Haitian revolutions and glorious revolutions have more differences than similarities, for instance the glorious revolution involved a settlement that established the supremacy of the parliament over the crown, meanwhile the Haitian revolution was a revolt against slavery, however both revolts fought for the same thing, an infinite change in rights.
The war experienced by former slaves in Haitian revolution was influenced by the thought of freedom. In the beginning “Led by formers Toussaint I ‘Overture the enslaved would act first in the rebellion against the planters on August 21, 1791” (Vallance). The fact that Toussaint I ‘Overture was indeed a former slave himself, shows the bravery he carries to make a difference, by risking his life to lead a revolt, for the mere taste of freedom. However, Haitian had a history of rebellions the slaves were never willing to submit their status and with their strength in numbers 1 to 10 colonial officials and planters did all that was possible to control them” (Vallance). The lack of hope in the slaves demonstrates what important part of their lives, the owners take from them, which is the ability to take a leap of courage, or simply dream for the possibility of freedom.
Moreover, “At this time, more than a hundred thousand Negros were in revolt in a single district of the north; these bands, organized for massacre and arson, had no weapons except torches, sticks, knifes and other sharp tools, some sabres, and some guns pillaged from the devastated houses; but they had a weapon more powerful than all the others, the fury to destroy” (Coblentz). The thriving initiative slaves took, based upon another country’s yearning for change, demonstrates what slight positivity inspired these former slaves to have the abundantly eager brawniness to change their daunting fate. Revolutions such as this one all started with an inspiration for something more, a sea of marvelous accomplishments, such as the glorious revolution.
The events leading through the glorious revolution remarkably changed the meaning to the rule of government. On the other hand, “The glorious revolution was one of the final and decisive developments in the power struggle between parliament and monarchy” (“The Glorious Revolution”). As the laws and demands developed over time in the U.S, evidently so did the benefits of having a communicating government system involved, rather than a tyrant ruler reining without any vote of any sort. In addition “A Catholic king who might restore Catholicism as the official religion of England was simply intolerable to England. The result was the Glorious Revolution” (Damerow). The fear of many English citizens was that the religion of James II would influence his idea to overthrow the government and rule indefinitely as a Catholicism monarchy, which led them to a longed revolt. Furthermore “The British causes of the revolution were as much religious as political” (Vallance). During the 1700, religion was an immense part of a government system, which caused many English citizens to react frenzied when acknowledging that James II as a catholic believer, could incorporate Catholicism into the monarchy, they quickly revolted against him, and demanded the rule of a parliament. The disagreement between the monarchy and parliamentary