Relationships Between Men And Women In The Storm By Kate Chopin

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Pages: 3

“And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the borderland of life’s mystery”, (151). The relationship between men and women is a special one. The connection spiritually and physically between the genders is extraordinary. This very important relationship determines what type of society that certain people live in and what are the morals of that society. In Kate Chopin’s story “The Storm”, the reader can see that the relationship between the characters exemplifies the society that not only the characters live in but the author herself. Kate Chopin lived in a patriarchal society, where men ruled and the women were always supposed to be the traditional housewifes. In her story “The Storm,” she breaks these boundaries and is ridiculed for it by her society. The story tells a tale about a young housewife Calixta, who has an affair with a former …show more content…
Back then, this idea was absolutely revolting and looked down upon by everyone. Nowadays, the thought of an affair is a common one. Throughout time, the difference between patriarchal societies of the past and present share some similarities but are also dramatically different. Looking through the feminist lens, these differences ultimately show how the relationships between man and woman have evolved and changed over time, you can see this through calixta's experience in the storm and through Chopin's background story. When Kate Chopin wrote her short story “The Storm” the affair was considered unacceptable but in today’s society her story is considered a work of art or a masterpiece. During the time Chopin’s thinking was a new age of thinking. She used the old look for a patriarchal society but made it darker and more exciting for woman. “...her lips seemed in a manner free to be tasted, as well as her round, white throat and her whiter breasts” (151). You can see the physical side of the relationship between the genders throughout.