Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Clinton's Speech

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Pages: 5

On September 5, 1995, Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a speech in Beijing, China, about the basic human rights that women are denied across the world. Hillary Clinton’s goal was to show women that it is not okay what our countries are doing to us women that we are just as equal as a men and we too have to the right to be heard. Hillary’s speech presented both arguments and acts for persuasion. Throughout her speech I was able to identify logos, ethos, and pathos. Pathos was shown by her determination and the grasping of the women audience emotions when delivering a speech that touches so many women, including herself emotionally. Logos was shown by using history to show the difference that women can achieve when they come together as one and fight for want they believe in. Ethos was shown by the Hillary Clinton herself. In this speech Hillary Clinton argued that women are denied basic human rights by both the government and male counterparts. Hillary also argued that women are just as equal are men and should also have a say so in what goes in her life. She presented her argument with facts about how girls are forced to stay at home so that their brothers can attend school. How if a women gives birth to a female she is killed. How girls are used as sex …show more content…
4TH World Conference on Women Plenary Session purpose was to show women that we ourselves have to want change. We cannot get change by standing in the backgrounds and hoping that change happens on its own. We have to fight for what is right we have to show that world that women are leaders and we are just as powerful as men. We have to show the world that I too am human and should be treated as such. That women have feelings and that the world does not revolve around solely on the existence of a man but that one a woman too. In order for change to happen we women have to unite as some despite color or ethnicity and fight for our voice to be heard and fight for what is