Richard Nixon Speech Ethos Pathos Logos

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Richard Nixon’s Checkers Rhetorical Analysis

Richard Nixon used his speech “Checkers” to save his 1952 republican vice president nomination. When news broke that Nixon used a secret fund to pay for travel and other expenses, many people-including some advisers to Dwight d Eisenhower- the republican candidate wanted, Nixon to leave the ticket. In a nationally televised speech on September 23 Nixon denied any wrong doing . He sentimentally admitted that his family had accepted a gift of a dog named checkers. In the speech “checkers” Richard Nixon Through his use of pathos, ethos and effective in saving his 1952 republican nomination for vice president.

Pathos is one of the rhetorical devices that nixon used to save his nomination. Pathos is an emotion, or audience that has emotional feelings.” I just want to read to you just briefly, excerpts from a letter which i received, a letter which after all this is over no one can take from us.” this quote is
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“ Well how do you pay for these and how can you do it legally?”” And these are several ways that is can be done, incedendentally, and that it is done legally in the united states senate and in the congress, the first way is to be a rich man. I don't happen to be a rich man, so I couldn’t use that one”. this quote is an example of logical appealing relating to success. Success, viewed by society is measured by how much tangible objects you have. However to acquire these objects you need money. To acquire the money, you need a high paying job, but to get the highest paying job you need to go to college which requires money. Money is viewed as a success because of all the opportunity it brings. this is logically appeal because and everyone wants to be successful, therefore everybody wanted money. By Nixon saying he is not a rich man he is appealing to the audience's