Rock The Cradle Analysis

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Pages: 6

In today’s society, one of the biggest factors that limit people from achieving their dreams, and success overall, is the fact that people are entitled, narcissistic, self-interested and because of incorrect parenting, too sensitive, too vulnerable, and incapable of dealing with serious problems on their own. In today’s society one can observe the lack of a lot of vital characteristics and qualities that parents failed to pass down to their children, consequently making them incapable and vulnerable out in the real, harsh world. A very well respected political cartoonist, by the name of A. F. Branco, actually created a political cartoon called Rock the Cradle in which he depicts today’s pouting, spoiled, and easily corrupted society in their …show more content…
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg, a noted author and lecturer and co-director of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute in his article Have We Become Too Sensitive? provides an explanation to the question when he says, “The teacher started a song, and told the class that the one who would sing nicest would receive a prize. When the song ended, the teacher decided that everyone was a winner, because everyone sang nicely. On a similar note […] a pre-school educator informed me a little while back that it is unacceptable today for a teacher to compliment a student by saying that he or she is an ‘artist’. That would negatively impact the feelings of those children who don’t possess such talent”. Silberberg goes on to explain, after these two examples, that rewarding everyone, not noticing individuals, and shielding children in fear of them being ‘hurt’ is, in the long run, going to hurt them even more. Silberberg talks about how teachers are supposed to do the opposite and point out talent and extraordinary skill. In doing so teachers will uncover each person’s talents and encourage them to develop unique gifts. “An attitude that all are equal and everyone is good at everything […] will for the most part lead to mediocrity” (Silberberg). These small, and what feel like harmless, little things are the foundational factors that will play a huge role in creating weaker generations with unmotivated and mediocre