Routine Activity Theory

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Pages: 10

Few sex crimes, if any at all bring more negative connotations to mind than those related to child pornography. There are some people who in their normal course of their job description, they have the ability to use their computer to indulge in the viewing, storing, and sharing of child pornography. People with computer knowledge have in the past used their knowledge and skills to commit the heinous crime of possessing child pornography and have in some cases hid their criminal activities from their family, friends, and even their employers, while some even use others computers as host to their storage department for the illegal material.
Routine activity theory will be applied to pedophilia and child pornography with their ability
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When one of the three aspect of criminal element (target, guardian, motivated offender) is eliminated, the crime should be prevented “the lack of any one of these elements is sufficient to prevent the successful completion of a direct-contact predatory crime” (Cohen, 1979). It is helpful that the elements of the theory are known, therefore, should be able to modify or remove any branch of the theory to minimize or eliminate the criminal activity, further research would be necessary to see if that theory is correct. When it comes to RAT, routine activity cab be in the home as well as on the job, in the car, or even in the park, it is just as it’s stated, routine. Routine activity will increase the chances that inspired criminals will be joined together in the absents of proficient protectors, hence increases the ability of criminal activity. “We would expect routine activities performed within or near the home and among family or other primary groups to entail lower risk of criminal victimization because they enhance guardianship capabilities, also routine daily activities affect the location of property and personal targets in visible and accessible places” (Cohen, 1979). If there is no suitable target, there is no crime, no motivated offender no crime, however, if there is a guardian monitoring a child’s activity, still there is no crime. If a member of a neighborhood watch group is present when a motivated actor come upon a home that has an open door and no one is home, the motivate actor is unlikely to go in and steal from that dwelling, however, if that neighborhood watch member is not present then the motivated actor will commit the