Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

Words: 718
Pages: 3

I would deem the best choice, if I was part of the group of people convicted of witchcraft, to gladly confess to being a witch. According to the information that I was given, the only real plausible decision during that time would to say “yes” to being a witch for even though I would know better than to think myself a witch I would rather stay alive by confessing to such an outrageous crime rather than deny the accusation to later be killed for telling the truth. I believe that many other people during the Salem Witch Trials did the same in order to say themselves from being hung such as the women: Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osburn. I have confidence that these women accused of such indescribable heinous acts were indeed innocent of the …show more content…
My accusations seemed to be right, for within the introduction it plainly stated that twenty-five people were killed for being witches. What I did not have an inclination about until I read the introduction was that the girls accused of being bewitched, actually had convulsions. I ponder how people’s first inclinations would be to attribute their convulsions as a result of witchcraft rather than assume that their must have been a medical reason for their strange behavior. The evidence within this case points to the time of the Salem Witch Trial, which transpired within the 1690’s, showing that the people of the time had limited knowledge regarding medicine and that they would automatically deam the causes to be a result of …show more content…
Due to his gallantry, he was able to save fifty-three people condemned of witchcraft and the three whom were condemned of the crime he pardon. Another main contributor I found to be crucial in the aftermath of the witch trials was the kindhearted man, Reverend Joseph Green, who was able to slowly turn the hearts of the Salem people and even urged Ann Putman, who was one of the major accusers during the time, to publicly address the people with a sincere apology for causing such chaos in their little Boston