Saudi Arabia Research Paper

Words: 788
Pages: 4

Saudi Arabia traces its roots back to the earliest civilizations of the arabian peninsula. The peninsula is an ancient trading center and is also the birthplace of the islamic religion, which is the world's largest monotheistic religions. The coasts of the peninsula are on the west of the Red sea and the gulf Aqaba. When you look at a geographical map you will see that it includes parts of Iraq and Jordan. Politically, however, It is separated from the rest of Asia by the northern borders of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The first actual evidence that humans lived in the arabian peninsula was 20,000 years ago. These people were hunters and gatherers, they survived on the land in every aspect of their lives. Long ago the european ice cap melted,
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Hunters and gatherers had to find a way to live in a place of no water, but how could they do it? Agriculture was a result of this thinking, it was spreading, at first Mesopotamia, then it spread to the Nile River Valley making it’s way across the middle east. This was a key step for humans to survive in the desert. Pottery allowed farmers to store food for long periods of time. Animals like goats, cattle, sheep, horses and camels were domesticated. The people of that time abandoned hunting altogether, which made farming possible. Farming was important because it made possible for more permanent homes. Then that lead, to what we call, a civilization where writing, speaking, political terms and religion were …show more content…
He was was born native to the area of makkah, a desert valley in western Saudi Arabia. He supposedly received a message from an angel named gabriel, who was sent by the arabic god, allah. As his visions kept coming to him, to spread the oneness of god universally, he received many followers. 12 years later, opposers of Muhammad were making a plan to assassinate him. So, he and his followers fled to the town of Yathrib. Later the town was renamed to Madinat Al-Nabi, which means city of the prophet. Now it is known simply as Madinah. This is the marker of the beginning of the Islamic