Shattered Lives Summary

Words: 292
Pages: 2

In the article “Shattered Lives” by Kristen Lewis, dania has been living as a refugee. Dania Has has had challenges such as food,,water ,and shelter. On page (6) the author said “ fire went on and on… inflicting new definstation. Houses and stores blew up. Cars exploded. Roads turned to rubble.” Dania’s city has been bombed, everything she new was bombed. In the text it said “But life was gone… bombarding her village with missiles and heavy artillery… her uncle was killed.” (6). Her family has been dying and more weapons have been brought to the country. This has been happening over 2 decades. More people have been dying. The author stated “ By the wars end millions and, homeless, starvation, disease.” (7). States decide to get the UNHER.