Should Minimum Wage Be Increased Essay

Words: 510
Pages: 3

Imagine if you are a mom/ or dad that is a family and is barely surviving off the minimum wage. The minimum wage should be increased because as the prices go up on food and items we need more money to be able to buy them. Second, as the pay is the same as it is right now we still have families that barely can survive on what they are making. Third, if we raise the price on minimum wage that means the higher it is the less jobs there are open because these companies have a lot of money but if they raise it they can't pay everyone the same amount and so then they have to get rid of people to make everyone's pay fair. To begin, the minimum wage should be increased because as prices go up on items we need more money to be able to buy them. According to Sally Driscoll she says that it should be increased because as we raise the minimum wage it also raises the prices on items because then more of those item can be bought and then stores would have to keep spending more and more money to keep up on demand at there stores. This means that the minimum wage should not be increased for that reason. Therefore, it should be increased because as the prices …show more content…
According to, Sally Driscoll she say that if we increase the minimum wage we make it so that there is not a lot of work available because if we are paying 7.25$ for 1 person then raise it 15$ per person we just lost one person that was getting paid 7.25$ . This means that we should not because it makes less jobs for people to have and apply for. Other people believe that it shouldn’t be increased because it means that we get more money for what we work for but the amount we work for is just enough for us to have. Consequently, we should not raise it for three reasons. In conclusion, we should not raise the minimum wage for these reasons, prices go on items, barely have enough to live, and not being able to have enough jobs for