Should Students Get Paid For Good Grades

Submitted By erik1234567890
Words: 355
Pages: 2

Erik Cipriano
Mrs. Gomez
English 3 H

Should students get paid for good grades?

Imagine this getting money to buy yourself a new phone, or that new game console and all you have to do is get good grades. Do you believe we should get paid for good grades? Well in my opinion we should get paid and these are the two reasons why. First because it helps motivate and focus students and second of all because

When getting paid for good grades students will be more likely to be motivated and be more focused in school .Who wouldn’t get more motivated and focused in school if they knew they were going to get paid for good grades, I know I would be very motivated if that’s all I had to do. An example of students being focused and motivated for money is when the social policy research group preformed a study, in which they offered help and hope to low income students. What they had to do in this experiment is signup for only one semester in college. If you maintained a C average or better you would get paid 1000 dollars for that semester. Those who participated were 30% more likely to signup for another semester than those who weren’t in the experiment. This clearly shows how these students were focused deeply enough to achieve that C average or better. And also very motivated , motivated enough to keep on going for another semester even though that wasn’t the deal, apparently the money they were offered helped them get very motivated