Similarities Between Psychopath And Sociopaths

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Pages: 3

Although psychopaths and sociopaths share similar meanings, they have unique characteristics. While the mental illness of a psychopath is inherited, the sociopath develops his/her illness through their environment or upbringing. Even though sociopaths mainly develop their illness through their environments and upbringings, they also have hereditary factors. Like the sociopath, Tree-ear as well as Ruckel both developed certain personalities based on their similar upbringings. Even though they shared similar backgrounds, they still had distinctions in views and personalities. In addition to the connection between the lives of a sociopath and the upbringings of Tree-ear and Ruckel, both were also similar to a sociopath because they were able to become attached to a certain person. For example, Ruckel became …show more content…
Throughout the first seven chapters of A Single Shard, Tree-ear was displayed as a healthy young boy; however, in the article “Orphan’s Lonely Beginnings Reveal How Parents Shape a Child’s Brain” Ruckel was demonstrated as a boy whose emotion and health was negatively affected by loss and neglect. Not only was Ruckel neglected as a child, he also had other children to compete with for attention. On the other hand, Tree-ear has Crane-man who focuses on just him and his well-being. After finally getting adopted by a caring family, Ruckel had a hard time adapting to the nurture he was receiving from his adopted family. While Ruckel was angry with his new family, Tree-ear accepted Crane-man’s parental guidance. Not to mention, the age at which a child is adopted is an important factor in the way the child is affected. For example, Ruckel had multiple caregivers until finally being adopted at around the age of eleven; meanwhile, Tree-ear had one caregiver until being adopted at the age of