Similes In The Iliad

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Pages: 4

Epic simile also known as Homeric simile is carful comparison between different people, place or thing using the terms like or as. Epic similes are used to contrast things that have unexpected likeness between them to illustrate or intensify the events taking place. I found that in The Iliad epic similes are used to create imagery elements to the background setting, characters, and conflicts as well as draw attention to important feelings and themes the characters are experiencing. I was able to find epic similes that perfectly illustrate situations certain characters were emotionally experiencing in book twenty-two and twenty-four. For instance, I found an epic simile where Hector was being compared to a restless snake in book twenty-two line 110 of The Iliad. In addition, in book twenty-two line 165, we find Achilles being contrasted to wild mountain hawk and in book twenty-four line 671 we see Achilles being compared to yet another animal, however this time to a lion.
In book twenty-two
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At this point of the story Achilles has already killed Hector and this scene take place during the interaction between Achilles and Priam. “But Achilles bounded out of doors like a lion...” (Homer 607) here we see Homer comparing Achilles to a lion, and it is not the first-time Homer has compare Achilles to a lion. During Patroclus’ funeral, Achilles was compared to a grieving lion who has left its cubs and has returned too late to save them. Lions represent straighten, heroic aggression, protectiveness, and victory. This help the readers understand how mighty, untamed and wild Achilles is. This simile also mark Achilles as the ultimate victor of the story, while highlighting his as a man who understands grief. Therefore, it is my favorite out of previous epic similes, I was able to see the different side of Achilles. Him being like a lion perfectly sum up his characteristic, action and