Skateboarding: Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 3

Skateboarding for a little kid is not only about enjoying the freedom of a sport that has no traditional rules or regulation, but can also be an opportunity to know better himself and explore new worlds and activities related to it.
When I started skating at around the age of 9 all I thought about was skateboarding. I would read specific skate magazines such as Thrasher or Transworld, but mostly I’d watch Skate video clips produced by bigger companies like Vans, Baker and DC. Inspired by these sources, I started dreaming to make my own merchandising company, and I first drew a logo for it. I remember it was a long process, I had many ideas, concepts and images in my mind, but I realized that I needed to make it simple, for easy recognition.
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You need first a brand and a product.”
“Yes I already drew a logo, here it is.”
“Oh wow, Zeno! This logo is actually creative! How did you come up with that?”
“I had many ideas and images in my mind, and it took quite a lot of time to simplify, make it easy to remember and recognize.“
“That’s a great job! Did you make it all by yourself? Because this simplifying process is the process of logo making, and that’s exactly what I’ve been taught in my Design course at college.“
Being a very shy and unsecure child, as many children are at this age, I remember this episode of my life as a special one because it boosted inside myself pride and self-confidence, and helped me to open my mind to different directions and interests.
My art teacher copied the logo and made stickers and t-shirts with it. At the end of the school year he surprised me with the special gift of the merchandiser branded with my logo. The concretizing of my ideas and dreams in the form of t-shirts and stickers was a memorable gift and a great lessons from a very inspiring teacher of how a product develops from an idea to the final product