Social Functionalism: A Sociological Perspective

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Pages: 3

Some people in society are very competitive sometimes they forget all about whats really going on because they just have their mind set on winning. Putting the other person down and not even considering their feelings. Life is a game sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose. I think people get so worried about themselves that they don't even consider other peoples feelings, reactions or opinions. Its always a competition not fun which I think is mean.

The symbolic Interaction Can be described of say perhaps, the value of a new car. To make a comparing, my thoughts stretch wide. The meaning of the cars value comes from the way a person or people may impersonate those things. The interpretations vary from one group
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The way to categorize this is to use social structures that give shape to our lives such as; in families, the community, and through religious organizations. These complex systems are basic parts that work together to promote commonality and stability. Certain rituals, such as a handshake or complex religious ceremonies, give structure to our everyday lives. Each social structure has social functions, or consequences for the operation of society as a whole. Education, for example, has several important functions in a society, such as socialization, learning, and social placement.

Functionalism is a theory of society that focuses on the structures that create the society and on how the society is able to remain stable. Structural Functionalism has a hard time accounting for any deviance (people who don't subscribe to the ideals of society) within society, therefore this theory cannot explain the purpose of homelessness. The theory is largely descriptive, and has a hard time accounting for change in general. Individuals and Coulter function in order to support the structure of their society. ("Functionalism."Functionalism. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May