Soliloquy Tone In Hamlet

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Soliloquy Paraphrase Tone
No, faith, not a jot; but to follow him thither with modesty enough, and likelihood to lead it: Hamlet is making the task seem easy to what Horatio thinks is extremely elaborate. Modest- Hamlet creates a balance between extremely hard and completely possible when he tells Horatio that the Alexander’s dust is likely to be anywhere. He simplifies it and ensures Horatio that finding Alexander’s dust is entirely plausible. as thus: Alexander died, Alexander was buried, alexander returneth into dust; The death of Alexander and where he went after his death to support Hamlets following point. Sentimental- As Hamlet talks about how important Alexander was. But then after he died he was returned to the earth and transformed
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Fervent- Throughout this part, Hamlet becomes intensly dedicated proving to Horatio that they could trace Alexander in the dust. After that he begins to explain how he was then converted from dust to plaster.
Might they not stop a beer-barrel? Purpose or task that alexanders body which was turned to dust, then plaster is being used for. Hopeful- In this section, Hamlet is hopeful that after Alexander died, was turned to dust and then turned to plaster. In the end being turned into a stopper for a beer barrel that they might be able to locate.
Imperious Caesar, dead and turn’d to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away. Another example of how an important person can so easily be turned into something so simple that is used every day after they die. Blithe- When Hamlet moves on to talking about Imperious Caesar, a very powerful and influential roman dictator, he does not seem to be affected. Rather if Hamlet was living during the 1st century B.C. he would have been killed for treason against Caesar and saying that he would simply be turned to clay to stop a beer barrel after he
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This doth betoken the course they follow with desperate hand fordo its own life: Discovering that the person that was being buried killed themselves was a shock to hamlet. It also explains why there were so few people attending the funeral. Pensive- Wondering who this could still be. Hamlet is thoughtful in still trying to find out who the person is. Also he is saddened by the atmosphere of the funeral and the discovery that the person who died killed themselves.
‘twas of some estate. Also Hamlet figures out that the person must be important, with the king and queen in the precession. But why would the king and queen be attending a funeral that goes against their cultural beliefs (another reason for it being small). Interested- With more details being revealed. Hamlet possibly begins to formulate an idea of who it could be. But is intrigued with why the king and queen would be at a small funeral where someone killed themselves as well as the funeral being so secret because beforehand the grave digger does not reveal who the grave is for.
Couch we awhile, and