Song Of Wandering Aengus Analysis

Words: 408
Pages: 2

In “Song of Wandering Aengus”, Aengus wanted to find and marry a girl. In “King of Mazy May”, Walt wanted to save his neighbor’s claim from being jumped. In Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy, Clay wanted to stop the war and save the dragons. However, all three had goals that meant a great deal to them, and worked very diligently to accomplish them. Aengus starts out as a young, innocent boy. As the story progresses, he ages and falls in love with a girl he once saw. He truly wants to “find out where she has gone” (Yeats, 3). After he first saw the girl, she called him by his “name and ran and faded through the brightening air” (Yeats, 2). At the end, he doesn’t find her. Fortunately, he doesn’t give up. He says that he will keep looking …show more content…
One day, claim jumpers try to jump his neighbors claim. His neighbor had gotten an injury and couldn’t stake his claim. Being an exceptional child, “he felt he must do something” (London, 19). He stole the claim jumper’s dog sled and drove them away from his neighbor’s claim. In the end, Walt reached the town and was able to stake his neighbors claim. Because of what he did, the townspeople now refer to him “as the King of Mazy May” (London, 48). Clay is a MudWing who is part of the ‘Great Prophecy’. He has lived his whole life in a cave, shielded from the outside world. When he finally escapes, he goes on an adventure to fulfill the prophecy and save the dragons. The only problem was, “[h]e didn’t particularly want to be a violent, angry monster” (Sutherland, 5) even though everyone told him to be. At the end of the first book, he realizes that this isn’t going to be easy, and there is going to be a lot of other dragons trying to stop them. He decides that he will “protect his friends, no matter what” (Sutherland, 300). While each of their goals was different, they all worked hard to complete them because the goals were important to them. Goals can be whatever you want them to be, as long as they are meaningful to you and you work particularly persistently to complete