Sons Of Liberty: Colonial Elitists

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The Sons of Liberty were a group of Colonial Elitists who denounced The Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a policy passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765.All Americans users had to pay a tax to place their stamps on their paper goods and merchandise. The biggest problem they had was that they had cut out the middleman and forced the Americans to pay taxes directly to England. The Americans sent the Parliament many petitions hoping they would reconsider The Stamp Act, but they just ignored them.Six weeks after the news had traveled across the ocean, the Colonial Elitist had heard the bad news and was furious with the British Governor. Word had gotten around to some of the top ringleaders involved in the legislature. George Washington …show more content…
Gentlemen was a way of putting the two groups into a hierarchy class system. Hierarchy was the “norm “for the Gentlemen of England. Poor people were thought of as poor and low class, wealthy people thought of themselves to be upper class and better than everyone else. People who lived in the colonies learned to live without British manufactured goods as their shelves became sparse. Even though women were allowed to join politics, they were laughed at and shunned by the London Cartoonists. The merchant holders and manufacturers in England are not amused by the abolishment of their goods and merchandise not being used by the American colonies. Samuel Adams, a Boston Radical, helped bring about the Boston Tea Party. After hearing such news, the British Ministry put blame on a few ringleaders who opposed the Parliament policy acts and sought out to strike fear in the American colonies. Unofficial courts that were run by popular committee punished the Colonists by tarring and feathering, and destroyed the Colonial towns. Committee Justice Customs officer Malcolm was stripped bare and had hot, scolding tar poured on his body and had feathers thrown on him for humility. They dragged him in a cart through town in a cart, where crowds gathered and beat him with clubs. In the fall of 1773 the British Parliament ships half a million pounds of East India Company tea to America for low cost of 3 pennies per pound. There are chaotic protests in every colony were the tea was shipped to. The commoner downright refuse to pay less for their tea. November 28th, 1773 a group of men aboard a ship and sail to the Boston Harbour.The American Colonists are beyond outrage that they have three months to pay a tea tax they flat-out refuse to drink. Thomas Hutchinson warns those who respect the English law not to do something stupid and defy his orders. December 16, 1773, a group of fifty men dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped three hundred-and forty chests of tea into the Boston