Soundtrack Of My Life Essay

Words: 473
Pages: 2

Everyday of my life is full of ups and downs. I believe music can be related to these real life events. Three major events in my life are running cross country, growing up and becoming independent, and my grandparents passing away. There are 3 different songs that could be called the Soundtrack of My Life.
My cross country career has been full of trial and error. Therefore, it could be related to the song Lego House song by Ed Sheeran. In his song he says, “I'm going to pick up the pieces and build a lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down.” It has universal meanings but it is mainly describing trial and error. I have ran cross country since my freshman year and it has been a very difficult time. This sport is filled with tears,
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Whether I learned it from getting my chores done, making it to practices and school on time, getting my first job, getting my license, or even just using manners. I have recently made bigger life decisions such as what college I'm choosing to go to and the date I’ll be moving out to live on my own. I think this relates to the song titled Independent. Another major event in my life would be when my great grandparents passed away. My grandpa had been sick for a while and he was put in a nursing home. He luckily got to go back home eventually. About a year later my grandma randomly got sick and passed away in May. A few months later my grandpa passed away. My grandparents had a big influence on my family’s life. My grandpa was an entrepreneur, flipped houses, and rented out houses after he served our country. They were very kind people and were very loved. My family and I miss them very much. This event in my life is related to the song See You Again. This song is about loved ones passing away and meeting up with them in heaven. To conclude, these three songs can be called the Soundtrack of My Life. All three of them relate to major events that have happened in my life. I believe these events have also made me become who I am today. Therefore, these songs have great meaning to