St Johns River Water Lab Report

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Pages: 8

Quantification of Atrazine in St Johns River Water by HPLC-MS

The use of synthetic chemicals in agricultural products has been shown to have undesirable consequences when these chemicals are released into aquatic environments at high levels. In order to determine the concentration of these chemicals and monitor them, methods must be developed of sufficient selectivity for single species in a complex mixture and sensitivity for trace concentrations. One such chemical is atrazine, known to cause endocrine related complications in many species and more. A method using solid phase extraction to concentrate atrazine from river water for quantification by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
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One of the most commonly found chemicals in environmental samples is atrazine.1-3 Atrazine is an entirely man-made chemical, thus any presence in the environment is a residue from man-made products. While high enough levels of atrazine can be lethal, lower levels of atrazine are found most commonly and linger even after years with no additional exposure.3 The metabolites of degraded atrazine may be present at even higher levels and also persist for years.3 Both atrazine and its metabolites have been linked to numerous health issues across species from microorganisms to …show more content…
Figure 1 charts the standard curve and the linear regression equation and R2 value. Figure 1. A standard curve of the ratio of atrazine to the internal standard and the concentration of atrazine in ppb.
Four samples were extracted by SPE then analyzed by HPLC and MS in replicates of three. The peak area (AA) for the signal of atrazine and atrazine (D5) were determined. The averages of the three AA values for each sample analyzed were used to calculate the concentration of atrazine using the linear regression line equation. The mean AA values for each sample were used to create ratios of atrazine to the internal standard in order to calculate the concentrations were using the linear regression line equation. These values were recorded in Table 1 with their 95% confidence interval.
Table 1. A summary of the data collected by the HPLC-MS. The calculated mean ratio for each sample was used to calculate the mean concentration in ppb.
Sample Mean Atrazine (AA) Mean Atrazine D5 (AA) Mean Ratio Mean Concentration (ppb)
1 2 x 106 ± 3 x 106 5 x 106 ± 2 x 106 0.4 ± 0.3 3.4 ± 0.3
2 2 x 106 ± 9 x 105 6 x 106 ± 4 x 106 0.4 ±