Station 11 Cause And Effect Essay

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Pages: 5

The simplest actions can cause ever-lasting effects on one’s life and influence any decision made in their lives. Such cause and effect is seen in Station Eleven as both minor and major actions done by both main and side characters had chain reactions on the story’s timeline. One character, Arthur, dies and his death is a major spark that brings together characters in unintended ways, leading them to revelations and unexpected meetings. Even a character’s own actions had potential of creating a situation that lead to destruction of themselves and others alike, however each and every one of these situations is created by a single action and without said action, a whole different timeline could come into place.
One character, Jeevan, is currently
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After the fall of civilization Jeevan found a place for himself in the remnants of humanity but had it not been for Arthur’s death it is very much possible he not reach such revelation and perhaps be left wandering with unfulfilled dreams. An unanswerable question, “what do I want to do?” that he cannot answer because he never received the call to action caused by his bearing witness to Arthur fall in front of everyone on his performance of King Lear. August mentions he believes in a theory of parallel universes that manages to add some depth and questioning to the story and its main timeline. For example, had it not been for Miranda leaving behind her comics to Arthur or taking a glass paperweight given him, the story would change in subtle but impactful ways. That paperweight travels throughout the story finally ending in Kristen’s hand and …show more content…
This can be better yet known as cause and effect, where one event causes a series of events or some kind of consequence, whether good or bad, that can change someone’s life or that of many. In the story’s case, all actions are done with purpose of progressing the story or developing a character in the “post-apocalyptic” earth left scarred by the Georgia