Stereotypes To Determine An Individual's Success In Life

Words: 884
Pages: 4

In life, one’s attitude determines one’s altitude. This means that the way a person carries themselves and the work ethic that they have will determine their level of success in life. As a teen of today, I wish for my peers to help change the stereotype that has been placed on us as lazy and self-entitled, and to attain ambition and a work ethic that will take them where they want to be in the future. With good work ethic comes the laying of a foundation for success, abundant employment opportunities, and overall self-improvement. First of all, teens need to understand that without a good work ethic, they will never be able to go where they desire to be in life. Teens of today are so self-entitled; our generation wants to live flashy lifestyles but at the same time not want to put the work in to get ourselves there. We are always on social media posting about the …show more content…
Many times, one will be able to tell the kind of person someone is based off of their work ethic, because with good work ethic comes many traits such as honesty, ambition, determination, and many more. Also, a person’s character will often determine the kind of people they attract. People with similar goals in life, whether many or few, are attracted to each other and friendships form between those people. To put it simply, if one has good work ethic then they will have people in their lives who do too; if one has poor work ethic then they will have people in their lives who do too. If a person has good character and strong ambition, then they are bound to influence the people around them in a positive way; and who wouldn’t want to be around someone like that? In addition, if a person works hard and puts forth their best effort in everything that they do, they will have that much more satisfaction in their hard work, even it’s something as simple as taking out the trash