Superheroes: The Role Of Women In Action Comic Books

Words: 793
Pages: 4

Believe it or not, women are far more superior than men are in action comic books. Their appearance in these types of genre’s are not the typical female having bodybuilding muscles and abs just like Vampirella. No, most of the superhero community of women are often shown as being strong and having muscles instead of looking like Lou Ferrigno. Female superheroes are meant to dress that way. Even when it comes to the worst for the characters, they still manage to strive and become someone else entirely. For instance, Batman: The Killing Joke, one of the greatest “Joker” stories ever told by Alan Moore (creator of Watchmen and V for Vendetta) wrote a story about the Joker who stalks and finds Commissioner Gordon at his apartment where his daughter happen to be …show more content…
He then knocks on the door to which Gordon’s daughter, Barbara, answers and he shoots spine, paralyzing her. Her life got the turn to the worst just by answering that door, but eventually, she later developed a suit with Batman to help her spine and takes up the mantle in becoming Batgirl. A tragic story involving an innocent girl and yet, still she becomes this icon and fights crime with Batman and is his equal in terms of intelligence. But why not have Commissioner Gordon answer the door instead? Couldn’t he had been the one in the wheel chair instead of his young, smart and innocent daughter? No father would let his own child answer the door in the middle of the night, regardless whether he or she is present. This example shows that women are always the victim. Girls at an early age will begin to think at an early age that no matter what you do or where you are, you are not safe and the worst will come for