Susan B Anthony Adversity

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Looking at people’s lives and their true stories, as well as looking at the adversities people faced in history, we can see that adversity is woven through everyone’s stories. A very wise man named Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” This is true because no one is able to do anything in society without adversity ever. Adversity allows someone to reach their highest potential in life. Adversity benefits a person’s character because it allows them to improve themselves. Frederick Douglas went through many challenging adversities throughout his life, but one of them is through slavery. Since he did go through these struggles he used to his advantage …show more content…
Anthony, whom also had adversity at many different points of her life. Susan B. Anthony helped herself and many others throughout her journey of equality. She too went through slavery like Frederick D. and got out of it later in her life She protested for African American rights, women's rights and also equality. In “On Women’s Right to Vote” which was written during the 19th century by Susan B. Anthony state's, “natural right of every individual member thereof to a voice and a vote” within this quote there is its own adversity. The adversity in this particular quote is that everyone who is at least old enough to vote should have a say in society. This quote is also a logical appeal shows how she believes that everyone should speak out to the government. Later on Susan B. Anthony says, “It is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to in state a new government.” Here Susan B. Anthony is saying that people should stand up no matter how unfavorable the topic is or what they believe in. Adversity comes in many different ways and when it is least expect …show more content…
This poem talks about adversity from the beginning to the end between equality, freedom, and a better future for African American’s. This poem can apply to many different adversities during a lifetime. Everyone has a dream that they strive for even if they do not know what is ahead of them. A “dream deferred” is one of the worst dreams to have because it is put off. When people putting something off that they they they really wanted to do, can make them depressed, angry, and regretful. These feelings can “stink like rotten meat? / Or crust and sugar over - / like a syrupy sweet.” These lines suggest that the dreams deferred could end up being a major challenge in their life. missed or not taken could up bad for someone else. The dreams you had could have saved someone's life or make them laugh and forget all the bad things around them. People whom are persistent reach their beloved goal and do more within that goal. When the goals are met a lot of the time the adversities are not mentioned, it is almost like everyone is ashamed to tell their story of adversity. To be anything, do anything, try anything in life there is a major self adversity to