Teen Activism Essay

Words: 402
Pages: 2

Some Teen Activists risk their lives fighting for what they think is right, and some have even given their lives fighting. Teen activist don’t have to be teens when they start, there are eight-year-olds making a difference right now too. Teen activism plays a big part in our world. An activist is a person who has either experienced an issue or seen it or read about it. They want to change the world and make it a better place for all people. They do this by making big sacrifices.

Some activist who have made sacrifices are Malala and Iqbal. In a youtube video, it talked about Malala and how she is making a huge difference. The source I used was “Malala's story - BBC News - YouTube. Malala is fighting for all women to have the right to an education. She almost died after being shot by the Taliban. She has giving multiple speeches and has been involved in interviews on television. Then there is Iqbal who was sold as a slave for $12 at age 4. I got this information from “FREEDOM HERO: IQBAL MASIH” Iqbal became a part of child labor and was stuck making carpets 16 hours every day non stop. He found a way to escape and went as far away as possible. Then he started to fight against child labor by giving speeches to kids in schools to spread the word. Sadly when he returned home he was shot and killed. Then people created “School for Iqbal” to raise money for
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My source for this was “http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/teen-activists/”. They also make organizations to raise money towards what they are fighting for. Some of them have support from friends, family, and other adults to help them. Also they get friends involved so they can get others aware. This helps them with success so they can succeed and help the world issue we are having. They don’t have playtime or time to play video games because they think making a difference is more