Terri Schiavo Case Summary

Words: 389
Pages: 2

Emmile Wickliffe05/30/2018HS115Terri Schiavo's Case Terri Schiavo’s case was a heart-breaking situation for any family to deal with. The story of Terri Schiavo can be disturbing to most people. Not actually knowing how its feels to lease a spouse are a daughter but pretty sure it was very painful and was a hard pill to swallow. I myself know that it was a rough decision for the family to make and having one another argue over rather they should take her off of life support are not. All legal efforts for the family failed to have Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted. The right for a married spouse to make medical decisions on behalf of their partner was upheld. I understand both side of wanting to not let her suffer with being brain dead and