The Celestial Over The Secular Analysis

Words: 1830
Pages: 8

Sarina Shinko
Professor Hysell
HST 211
1 May 2017
The Celestial over the Secular

Commercial revolution is an important phase within many societies throughout history; a groundbreaking period where commercialism and wealth become important within societies. These revolutions allow societies to move forward as it gives people better access to goods and essentials, usually leading to the growth of cities and new mercantile classes. However, in a highly religious society such as the Middle Ages in Europe the new emphasis on money put a strain on religion since acquiring wealth is considered by the church to be greedy. In response to the increasing interest in wealth and commercialism we see church leaders trying to take back the populace’s
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Although it did not become the Inquisition until after Innocent III, he laid the foundation for that movement. Innocent III drew up guidelines for dealing with heretics including Jews and created an inquiry procedure to deal with heretics. The biggest idea implemented through the inquisition was that salvation could not be found outside of the church, it became clear that the only way to reach salvation was to be apart of or participate in the church. This was a response to the increase in the number and influence of groups that did not believe in the doctrines of the church. These groups became more powerful with the Commercial Revolution, for example many Jewish families took up the occupation of banking since dealing with money was sinful to Christians. So, to decrease the newfound influence of these heretical groups Innocent III believed it was important to eradicate heresy as it was a threat to the church and was gaining influence through the Commercial …show more content…
Saint Francis was born into a family of successful silk merchants but he gave up all his wealth and devoted himself to Christ. At first people believed him to be a crazy man for giving up wealth in the pursuit of poverty. However, it was exactly this pursuit of poverty that he later became revered for. He was known for caring for the sick and hungry, also he was known for his kindness towards lepers. Others took interest in a life void of wealth and he began to gather a following. Francis also focused on the important of chastity among the general population. As he gathered a large following he gained permission from Innocent III to preach. He became well known for his selflessness and even gave women an opportunity to participate in the faith with the help of Catherine of Siena. Her desire to follow Francis resulted in her own establishment of a following of women. Women were previously believed to have no place in religion but Catherine challenged that stigma and helped spread the faith as well. Francis was so influential and so tuned into God that it was believed that he received the stigma through a miracle. His work and his order became important to combating the selfishness and materialism that was gaining influence in the Commercial Revolution. His kindness, selflessness, and poverty made him a relatable figure in the masses of Europe