The Dangers Of Changing A Tire On A Car

Words: 401
Pages: 2

Changing a tire on a car can become a life saver one day so it's helpful to know how to change it. It's good to know because you don't want to pay more than fifty dollars to get a company to change it for you Maybe one day you run over some glass it is very dangerous to drive on a flat. You have less traction and u might spin out. IT an easy fix most the tools are in your car already.

First you find a safe flat surface to pull over so you won't get hurt by another car. Then hop out your car and see which tire is flat. Once you find out which tire it is. You walk to the back of your car and open your trunk where the jack and lug wrench would be located. It is different in all cars so it might be under the floor mat or on the side of the