The Epic Of Gilgamesh Analysis

Words: 431
Pages: 2

Once upon a time deep down in the pages of history lies the epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh, who was the King of Urek, heard of a magical plant that would allow him to live forever. Gilgamesh determined to find this plant searched over treacherous rocky, rough mountains, crossed blistering, burning, barren deserts, but failed to find the powerful, perplexing plant. However one day while he was soaking his hot, dusty, tired feet in the cooling refreshing waters of the Euphrates River, Gilgamesh spotted a faint glow in the sea which was off in the distance. Knowing it was the plant he searched for he hastily tied round, rough rocks to his ankles and plunged into the ripping, raging current of the Euphrates River which would carry him directly to