The Importance Of Prisons In The United States

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Pages: 2

The United States has the largest prison population in the world. Incarceration is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. People who violate state laws are placed Prison. The poor food choices that they give inmates has became a big issue. Budget cuts to prisons are not helping either. We need to start thinking about investing in this business instead of taking money from it. I always see on the news about robbery, murder, and assaults, so I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be punished for their wrong doings. In 1790, Pennsylvania was the first to have a prison. Throughout the late 1700’s and early 1800’s many prison’s where built. In the United States, we often get the difference between jail and prison confused. Jail is when you are being held to either get sentenced, trail, or agreement. Jails are operated by counties or sheriffs. Prison is when you have been convicted of a felony criminal offense. Prisons are operated by state or federal government. …show more content…
In Louisiana’s Overburdened Prison system Faces More Cuts, Karlin asserted lawmakers asked the viability of releasing nonviolent offenders, which by, Leblanc’s estimates, save taxpayers $47 million per year (2). By addressing changes in the prison system “reform and preventing the state’s fiscal crisis form worsening and already overburdened Department of Public Safety and Corrections. “ Louisiana spends about $663 million a year to feed, house, secure and provide medical care to 40,000 inmates.” If Louisiana rethinks its harsh sentencing and cuts back the prison and jail populations, the state could not only save money but perhaps see less